Thursday, April 30, 2009

Well what do you know, AP tests ARE next week...

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

does not like that Friends For Sale changes your status message. Way to betray me; where's your sense of loyalty, you stupid application?
is determined to get further in intense mode in Pokemon Puzzle Challenge. ...I mean, study Calc.
Tried to take a picture of his computer's clock at 3:14, but then it changed to 3:15...
It's not failing, it's suceeding in a different way.
is going to take advantage of all the Discovery Channel programming on Netflix Watch Instantly.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I guess the Blazers had a nice little win there.
is zoned out and watching the Blazer's game for lack of something else to do.
Just realized that the AP Music Theory piece he analyzed the other day was also the first full classical guitar song he played. Invention No. 4 by J. S. Bach.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Just found his "I'm Made of Meat" shirt! Oh "I'm Made of Meat" shirt, how long it's been! And think of all the people you'll meet tomorrow!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

may have a teeny desire to reread Crime and Punishment.
Homework, or play Pokemon Puzzle League all night? Ah, the choices in life.
is beta testing Trillian Astra.

Reminds all his friends

Reminds all his friends that you can disable wall posts on everyone's news feed by
>Settings (at the top of the page)
>News Feed and Walls
>Uncheck the box that has a little wall post icon

Saturday, April 25, 2009

finally got his wireless router to work after at least 5 restarts. I think it just wants me to know who's in charge.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

thinks it's been too long

thinks it's been too long since he stayed up until 2AM.

Just call me Napmaster Kingbed.

Just call me Napmaster Kingbed.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

needs to psych himself up

needs to psych himself up for even the smallest of homework assignments tonight.

just found out that totally

just found out that totally reputable seller from Amazon sent him "AP World History"; wondering if that's good or bad.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

just finished "Down and Out

just finished "Down and Out in Paris and London." It wasn't great, but it wasn't bad.

has apparently angered the Facebook

has apparently angered the Facebook Gods.

Mes chausettes sont violet! Le

Mes chausettes sont violet! Le ciel s'echappe! J'ai douze oiseaux dans ma sac-a-dos! Ou enterrez-vous un tresor?

Monday, April 20, 2009

There are two competing philosophies;

There are two competing philosophies; go back and fix what you've made, or charge ahead and hope everyone forgets.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Finally got his Barrons AP

Finally got his Barrons AP Physics B study guide. Goodnight sweet Cutnell & Johnson Physics textbook.

is sitting around, trying to

is sitting around, trying to think of cool new statuses. Hey, some people don't understand the joys of content creation

is viewing your profile

is viewing your profile.

When the Table of Contents

When the Table of Contents for your Crime and Punishment Ultimate Notes is almost a page by itself, you're cooking.

Things sure are quiet at

Things sure are quiet at 4 in the morning.

thinks everyone should donate their old/extra cell phones

Connor Yoshio Smith thinks everyone should donate their old/extra cell phones to the Portland Women's Crisis Line to help victims of domestic abuse. Westview students can put usable/nonusable cell phones into a plastic bag, preferably with chargers, and deposit them into pink and brown containers in the Westview library. Non-westview students can give the cell phones to Camille and only Camille. Thanks! -Awareness to Action

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Due to volatility, status changed.

Due to volatility, status changed. There.

What the heck? "Rip City"

What the heck? "Rip City" is Portland? Why does no one tell me these things?

Friday, April 17, 2009

got a one way ticket

got a one way ticket to Napville.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

It finally happened; I reached

It finally happened; I reached the end of "The Making of the West."

DSM-V 2012

DSM-V 2012

"Biannual," Merrian-Webster's word of the

"Biannual," Merrian-Webster's word of the day. Yeah, that one's a real puzzler...

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Sanajana's mom; number one threat

Sanajana's mom; number one threat to eclairs

Only 4 of my friends

Only 4 of my friends are fans of God? What's up with that?

As soon as I realized

As soon as I realized the birds outside had the same frequency as my phone's vibration, I considered solipsism.

Alarm, was it REALLY necessary

Alarm, was it REALLY necessary for me to leave that dream world behind?